5.1 Off-Chain Oracle for Gas Cost Reduction, Enhanced Security, and Hyper Efficient Data Storage

BRKT is committed to constantly improving its platform to provide the best user experience. An upcoming enhancement to both existing and future competitions is the implementation of an off-chain oracle called INVKR. The INVKR Oracle will dramatically reduce gas costs, provide increased security regarding match outcome submissions, and enable hyper-efficient data storage on-chain utilizing bit flags.

By moving match outcome submissions off-chain, INVKR will minimize the need for on-chain transactions, resulting in significant reductions in gas fees for users. The off-chain data processing also allows for the use of bit flags, which store each match's outcome as a boolean value (e.g., Team1 vs Team2 in Match0: 0 denotes Team1 wins, 1 denotes Team2 wins). This approach eliminates the need for extrapolated prediction trees to calculate the total score of a competition, as the contextual match outcomes can be determined off-chain, and there is no need to track the team ID that won each match.

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