3.3 PaidPredictableCompetition

The PaidPredictableCompetition contract extends the PredictableCompetition features by adding customizable registration fee requirements, including customizable payment tokens. This implementation enables organizers to monetize their events while providing additional incentives for participants.

Function 1: createBracketPrediction

function createBracketPrediction(address _registrant, uint8[] calldata _matchPredictions) public override(PredictableCompetition, IPaidPredictableCompetition) whenNotLive

This function allows users to create a bracket prediction and handles the registration fee payment.




The address of the user creating the bracket prediction



An array containing the user's match predictions

Function 2: createBracketPredictionGasToken

function createBracketPredictionGasToken(address _registrant, uint8[] calldata _matchPredictions) external payable override whenNotLive

This function allows users to create a bracket prediction and handles the registration fee payment using gas token.




The address of the user creating the bracket prediction



An array containing the user's match predictions

Function 3: refundRegistrationFee

function refundRegistrationFee() external override whenExpired

This function allows users to request a refund of their registration fee when the competition has expired.

Function 4: claimRewards

function claimRewards() external override whenCompleted

This function allows users to claim their rewards when the competition is completed.

Function 5: calculatePendingRewards

function calculatePendingRewards(address _user) public view override returns(uint256 pendingRewards_)

This function calculates the pending rewards for a user.




The address of the user

Function 6: getBracketPredictionFeeInfo

function getBracketPredictionFeeInfo() external view override returns(RegistrationFeeInfo memory)

This function returns the registration fee information for bracket predictions.

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