BRKT Labs - The Future of Prediction Markets

BRKT Labs is building the future of prediction markets through our unique product offerings: BRKT, and Hookt.


BRKT extends prediction markets through the addition of bracket based predictions, supporting competitions with up to 256 participants, tailor made to be the go to platform for yearly tournaments like the NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament, NFL Finals, esports finals, and other bracket style tournaments while offering binary prediction markets across politics, sports, news, and culture.

Our brackets are powered by 2 unique contracts allowing for permissionless creation of bracket based predictions:



and three competition implementation types:




BRKT comes stocked with a myriad of unique features:

these unique features come together to make BRKT a game-changer in the world of competitive events and online gaming. BRKT brings transparency, fairness, and trust to the competition landscape.


Hookt is making prediction markets accessible to 2 billion mobile users

Prediction markets are boring; bad UI/UX, few markets with liquidity, poor market curation, not enough regularity, built for the wealthy.

Hookt is gamifying predictions and tapping into the social element of betting, all through a mobile swipe-to-bet UX.

Core features include:

- Easy on-boarding through in-app wallet with social & WEB3 logins

- Algorithm-based Curated feeds for each user: only see markets you care about

- Focus on short-dated markets and consistent bet sizing

- Follow your friends and top predictors: see when they place bets and invite them to bet with you, instantly share to your linked social media accounts

- Permissionless market creation; you'll never say "I wish I could have bet on that" again

Last updated